Cellulose Insulation

Cellulose Insulation Rebates 75-100% off costs.

Earn back between 75%-100% of your investment for comprehensive home insulation with blown cellulose rebates. Energize Connecticut programs will reimburse $1.70 per square foot for Eversource and United Illuminating clients.

 Ideal for attics, walls, and difficult-to-reach areas, our high-quality cellulose insulation is made from recycled materials and is designed to keep your home warm in the winter and cool in the summer. Blown-in cellulose insulation offers superior thermal and soundproofing benefits. Explore the benefits, installation process, and cost-effective nature of blown-in cellulose insulation and learn how you can improve your living environment.

Types and Properties of Blown Cellulose Insulation

Blown cellulose insulation is a sustainable and efficient way to insulate homes and buildings. Made primarily from recycled newsprint, cellulose insulation is treated with borate to enhance its fire retardancy, mold deterrence, and insecticide properties. The addition of mineral oil helps to suppress dust and improve the bond between the fire retardant and cellulose fibers. This type of insulation is known for its excellent thermal properties, soundproofing abilities, and moisture management.


Environmental Impact: Cellulose insulation is one of the greenest materials available, with a composition of about 83% recycled content. Its production consumes less energy compared to other insulating materials, contributing to its low environmental footprint.

Moisture Management: Cellulose's hygroscopic nature allows it to manage moisture effectively, preventing mold and rot by dispersing moisture and keeping concentrations per inch very low.


Fire Resistance: Treated with borate, cellulose insulation is highly fire-resistant, slowing the spread of fire and producing minimal smoke, enhancing safety in case of a fire.

Soundproofing: Cellulose insulation provides superior soundproofing, with high STC and NRC ratings, making it an excellent choice for reducing noise transmission.


Installation of Blown Cellulose Insulation

The installation of blown cellulose insulation requires specialized equipment and should be performed by professionals.


The process involves:

  1. Preparation: Before installation, the area must be prepared, including sealing any air leaks and ensuring proper ventilation. This preparation ensures that the insulation will perform effectively.
  2. Blowing the Insulation: Using a specialized machine, the cellulose is blown into the desired area at high pressure. In attics, it is typically applied directly to the floor, while in walls, it is blown into cavities through small holes that are later sealed.
  3. Density and Coverage: The installer will ensure that the cellulose is evenly distributed and reaches the correct density, which is crucial for its thermal and acoustical performance.
  4. Post-Installation: After installation, any access holes in walls are sealed, and the workspace is cleaned to remove any residual material.

Cost of Blown-in Cellulose Insulation

The cost of blown-in cellulose insulation is generally competitive, offering a cost-effective solution for improving a home’s energy efficiency. Factors affecting cost include the area to be insulated, the thickness of the insulation, and any additional labor for preparation or finishing work.

Comparison with Other Insulation Types:

  • Cellulose vs. Rigid Insulation: Rigid foam insulation may have a higher upfront cost and is more commonly used for external applications or in areas where space is limited. Cellulose is often preferred for internal wall and attic spaces due to its lower cost and superior soundproofing.
  • Cellulose vs. Spray Foam Insulation: Spray foam typically costs more than cellulose but offers higher R-values and better air sealing. The choice between the two may depend on specific project needs and budget constraints.
  • Cellulose vs. Batt/Blanket Insulation: While the initial cost of batt insulation may be lower, blown-in cellulose provides a more airtight seal, better moisture control, and superior soundproofing, which can translate to greater long-term savings and comfort.

Ultimately, the investment in blown-in cellulose insulation can lead to significant energy savings, making it a cost-effective option in the long run. Homeowners should also consider available energy rebates and incentives, which can further offset the initial cost and enhance the value of their investment in cellulose insulation.

Where to Use Cellulose Insulation

  • Cellulose Insulation for Attics?

    Cellulose Insulation for Attics?

    Blown cellulose insulation in attics fills gaps and crevices, providing an excellent thermal barrier and reducing overall energy costs by preventing heat escape.

    Attic Insulation

  • Cellulose Insulation for Walls

    Cellulose Insulation for Walls

    Blown cellulose insulation is a great option for wall cavities, as it conforms well to irregular spaces and provides effective thermal and sound insulation.

    Wall Insulation

  • Cellulose Insulation for Basements

    Cellulose Insulation for Basements

    In basements, blown cellulose can be used between wall studs, offering superior moisture control and enhancing thermal performance without taking up valuable living space.

    Basement Insulation

  • Cellulose Insulation for Ceilings

    Cellulose Insulation for Ceilings

    Applying blown cellulose insulation above ceilings effectively reduces noise transmission between floors and helps maintain consistent indoor temperatures year-round.

    Ceiling Insulation

  • Cellulose Insulation for Crawlspaces

    Cellulose Insulation for Crawlspaces

    Blown cellulose insulation in crawl spaces prevents heat loss through floors, contributing to warmer floor surfaces and improved overall home comfort.

    Crawl Space Insulation

  • Cellulose Insulation for Ducts

    Cellulose Insulation for Ducts

    While less common, blown cellulose can be applied around ductwork in non-enclosed spaces to improve thermal efficiency and reduce energy leakage.

    Duct Insulation

  • Cellulose Insulation for Floors

    Cellulose Insulation for Floors

    Blown cellulose insulation under floors, particularly in drafty or unheated spaces, provides an effective thermal barrier that keeps indoor spaces warm and reduces energy bills.

    Floor Insulation

  • Cellulose Insulation for Foundations

    Cellulose Insulation for Foundations

    Although not typically used directly against foundations, blown cellulose can be applied in framed walls in basement areas to enhance thermal insulation and soundproofing.

    Foundation Insulation

Qualify for Cellulose Insulation Rebates by Getting a Home Energy Audit


Service Cost (free-of-charge if eligible*)


Average Annual Energy Savings


Weatherization Service Value


Average 1st Year Savings
Homeowners in Connecticut looking to install cellulose insulation can benefit greatly from the Home Energy Solutions (HES) assessment. Home Comfort Practice's experts will guide you through how cellulose insulation can reduce your energy bills and qualify for extensive rebates under the Inflation Reduction Act and Energize CT programs. Secure substantial energy savings and make the most of your cellulose insulation investment with targeted upgrades.

Rebates for Cellulose Insulation


Energize CT Rebate: $1.70 per Square Foot
Avg. Initial Cost $1500-$10000
Max Rebate N/A
Avg. Lifetime Savings $4000

Claim up to $1.70 per square foot on approved insulation projects recommended during a Home Energy Solutions assessment.This may cover between 75-100% of insulation costs!

Learn More


IRA Tax Credit: % of Costs
25C Max Credit $1600
25D Max Credit Uncapped

The Inflation Reduction Act tax credit for weatherization in Connecticut offers homeowners a 30% tax credit for eligible projects, with a maximum claim of $1,200 per year. It covers insulation, air sealing, doors, windows, and energy audits. Weatherization reduces energy waste, lowers bills, and improves home comfort while decreasing carbon emissions.

Learn More


IRA Electrification Rebate: $1600
Upfront Discount 50%-100% of Costs
Avg. Initial Cost N/A

Connecticut homeowners may be eligible to claim up to $1,600 for their weatherization project through the Inflation Reduction Act Electrification Rebate program, depending on their income. Low-income households can receive 100% coverage of weatherization costs, while moderate-income households can receive 50% coverage. (The total cap for Electrification Rebates across all qualified projects is $14,000.)

Learn More

Other Types of Insulation

  • Spray Foam Insulation

    Spray Foam Insulation

    Spray foam is versatile, airtight and excellent for uneven surfaces and gaps.
    Learn More

  • Blanket/Batt Insulation

    Blanket/Batt Insulation

    Blanket/Bat/Roll insulation comes in a variety of materials and shapes providing even insulation levels with multiple compatible surfaces.
    Learn More

  • Rigid/Foam Insulation

    Rigid/Foam Insulation

    Rigid foam insulation is an excellent option for insulating flat surfaces and can be cut to size to fit exactly within or on top of gaps.
    Learn More

Frequently Asked Questions about Cellulose Insulation

A vapor barrier is not always necessary with cellulose insulation, as cellulose can handle some moisture due to its natural ability to absorb and release moisture without losing insulating properties. However, the necessity of a vapor barrier largely depends on the climate and location of your property. In very cold climates, a vapor barrier might be recommended to prevent the accumulation of moisture inside walls, which can lead to mold growth and structural damage. It's best to consult local building codes and a professional to make the appropriate decision for your specific situation.

Yes, cellulose insulation is considered safe for residential use. It is made from recycled paper, primarily newsprint, and treated with borates, which are fire retardants and insect repellents. While cellulose insulation is safe when properly installed, it is important to ensure that the material is kept dry as it can be prone to mold and rot if exposed to moisture. Moreover, during installation, proper safety gear such as masks and goggles should be worn to prevent inhalation of dust particles.

It is not recommended to use tar paper, or roofing felt, directly over cellulose insulation in the attic. Tar paper is designed as a water barrier under roofing materials, not as a cover for attic insulation. Using tar paper over cellulose could trap moisture, leading to potential problems with mold and degradation of insulation effectiveness. If you need to cover the cellulose insulation for any reason, it's better to use materials like plywood or drywall that allow for some level of breathability while preventing dust from the insulation from entering living spaces.

Blowing in cellulose insulation typically involves the following steps:

  1. Prepare the area by sealing any air leaks and ensuring proper ventilation.
  2. Acquire a cellulose blower machine.
  3. Place the cellulose insulation bags near the blower machine and cut them open as needed.
  4. Insert the hose of the blower into the attic space or into the wall cavity.
  5. Turn on the machine and begin filling the spaces evenly, starting from the farthest point away from the attic hatch or access point.
  6. Fill to the recommended depth or density, ensuring an even distribution and covering all areas thoroughly for consistent insulation.
  7. After installation, check for any areas that may have been missed or need additional insulation.

    It is important to follow all safety instructions and local building codes during installation, and consider hiring a professional like Home Comfort Practice.


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