Air Conditioner Installation

Beat the heat with Home Comfort Practice. Let's get your new A/C installed!

Fundamentals of AC Installation

For Connecticut homes, it's crucial to start with "rightsizing" the unit, which means selecting the appropriate size based on the home's cooling needs. Proper insulation and sealing of the home can also enhance the efficiency of the AC unit. It's essential to ensure adequate airflow around the unit and to place the outdoor component in a shaded area to prevent overheating. Lastly, always consult with a professional like Home Comfort Practice to ensure a seamless installation process.

Common challenges include selecting an improperly sized unit, inadequate insulation, and poor placement of the outdoor unit. These can lead to inefficiencies and increased energy costs. However, with Home Comfort Practice's expertise, we ensure that these challenges are addressed during the installation process, guaranteeing optimal performance. Engaging with a reputable contractor like us at Home Comfort Practice ensures a smooth installation process. We emphasize the importance of rightsizing and conduct regular maintenance checks to ensure clear airflow paths. Periodic refrigerant checks and ensuring the unit is installed in a location free from obstructions are also part of our comprehensive service.

Rightsizing" refers to selecting an air conditioning unit that perfectly matches a home's cooling needs. In Connecticut, where summers can be humid and winters cold, having a rightsized unit is crucial. An oversized unit can lead to frequent on-off cycling, reducing efficiency and comfort, while an undersized unit might run continuously, failing to maintain desired temperatures. At Home Comfort Practice, we emphasize the importance of rightsizing to ensure optimal performance and energy efficiency for Connecticut homes.

Given Connecticut's varying climate, it's essential to choose an energy-efficient unit with a high SEER rating. Additionally, considering features like programmable thermostats can help in energy conservation. Proper placement, away from direct sunlight and ensuring good airflow, is also crucial. Home Comfort Practice can guide residents through these considerations, ensuring a tailored fit for their homes.

Proper air conditioning installation is pivotal for Connecticut residents, given our state's diverse climate. Ensuring the right size (often referred to as "rightsizing") and optimal placement of the unit can make a significant difference in achieving consistent indoor temperatures. By understanding Connecticut's unique weather patterns, we at Home Comfort Practice ensure that your air conditioning system is tailored to provide maximum comfort, regardless of the season.

The positioning of the air conditioning unit is pivotal for its efficiency and lifespan. In Connecticut, where we experience both hot summers and cold winters, placing the unit in a location that's shielded from direct sunlight and extreme weather conditions is essential. A unit exposed to direct sunlight might have to work harder, reducing its efficiency. At Home Comfort Practice, we ensure that your unit is strategically placed, maximizing its efficiency and ensuring a longer operational life.

Ductwork plays a crucial role in air conditioning efficiency. Especially in older Connecticut homes, where ducts might have been designed for older heating systems, ensuring they are sealed and optimized for modern air conditioning is essential. Leaky or outdated ducts can lead to loss of cooled air, making the system work harder and increasing energy bills. At Home Comfort Practice, we meticulously inspect and, if necessary, upgrade ductwork to ensure optimal airflow and efficiency.

Connecticut's high humidity levels during summer can impact the performance of air conditioning systems. It's essential to choose a system that not only cools but also effectively dehumidifies the air. Systems not equipped to handle high humidity can lead to clammy interiors and potential mold growth. At Home Comfort Practice, we recommend air conditioning units tailored to handle Connecticut's humidity, ensuring a comfortable and healthy indoor environment.

Connecticut's climate, characterized by both hot, humid summers, and frigid winters plays a significant role in AC installation decisions. We advise homeowners to opt for units that can handle high humidity levels efficiently. Moreover, when possible, acquiring a dual-function system that can perform both heating cooling such as a heat pump is ideal. Proper insulation and sealing of homes also play a pivotal role in maintaining a comfortable indoor environment, as a good building envelope can help keep cool air in and warm air out in the summer and vice versa in the winter.

Technichal Details

Psychrometric calculations involve assessing various air properties, like temperature and humidity, to design optimal cooling solutions. By using these advanced calculations, we at Home Comfort Practice can tailor air conditioning installations to the specific needs of each Connecticut home, ensuring optimal comfort, humidity control, and energy efficiency.

Load calculation is a technical assessment that determines the right size of an air conditioning unit for a home, factoring in the home's size, insulation, windows, and more. In Connecticut, with its distinct seasonal changes, an accurate load calculation is essential. An improperly sized unit, whether oversized or undersized, can lead to inefficiencies and discomfort. At Home Comfort Practice, we emphasize the importance of precise load calculations to ensure your air conditioning system provides optimal performance.

Variable-speed compressors can adjust their speed based on the cooling demand. Unlike single-speed compressors that operate at full capacity and then shut off, variable-speed options provide more precise cooling. In a state like Connecticut, where temperatures and humidity can fluctuate, these compressors ensure consistent indoor comfort while optimizing energy use. Home Comfort Practice often recommends units with variable-speed compressors to Connecticut homeowners for enhanced efficiency and comfort.

The evaporator coil is where the refrigerant absorbs heat and moisture from indoor air. In humid conditions, like Connecticut summers, the coil's ability to remove moisture becomes vital for indoor comfort. If the coil isn't functioning optimally, it can lead to excessive indoor humidity. At Home Comfort Practice, we ensure that the evaporator coil is in top condition, providing effective dehumidification and cooling.

A TXV is a precision device that regulates the flow of refrigerant to the evaporator coil. For Connecticut homeowners, an AC system with a TXV ensures that the right amount of refrigerant is always used, optimizing cooling efficiency and performance. At Home Comfort Practice, we often recommend systems with TXVs, ensuring consistent cooling, longer system life, and reduced energy consumption.

Smart thermostats offer homeowners greater control over their air conditioning systems, optimizing energy use and enhancing comfort. In the context of Connecticut's varied climate, these devices can be particularly beneficial. At Home Comfort Practice, we ensure seamless integration of smart thermostats during installation, allowing homeowners to harness the full potential of their air conditioning systems while enjoying the convenience of modern technology.

The SEER rating measures the energy efficiency of an air conditioning unit over an entire cooling season. A higher SEER rating indicates greater efficiency. For Connecticut residents, where summers can be humid and winters cold, selecting a unit with a high SEER rating ensures optimal energy use and consistent indoor temperatures. At Home Comfort Practice, we always recommend units with appropriate SEER ratings tailored for Connecticut's unique climate, ensuring both comfort and energy savings.

HFC refrigerants, like R-410A, are environmentally friendly alternatives to older refrigerants like R-22, which have ozone-depleting properties. For Connecticut homeowners, using HFC refrigerants not only aligns with global sustainability goals but also offers better efficiency. At Home Comfort Practice, we prioritize the use of HFC refrigerants, ensuring both environmental responsibility and optimal cooling performance.

Costs & Incentives

Connecticut has some great incentives for those looking to upgrade to energy-efficient air conditioning systems, thanks to Energize CT. Plus, with the Inflation Reduction Act, there are additional rebates and tax credits that can help ease the initial costs. We're here to guide you through these rebates, making sure your installation ticks all the right boxes and helps you save money. Let's make it a smooth and cost-effective journey for you!

Qualify for AC Installation Rebates by Getting a Home Energy Audit AC Rebates

Take advantage of air conditioner installation rebates through a Home Energy Solutions (HES) assessment by Home Comfort Practice is a must. This audit, spanning 4-6 hours, delves deep into home energy efficiency. To unlock the most advantageous rebates from the Inflation Reduction Act and Energize CT programs, this assessment is pivotal. It highlights precise upgrade opportunities, ensuring homeowners not only conserve energy but also amplify their rebate earnings. With the HES audit, anticipate an average of $1,800 in combined savings and value on day one. Act now to start your energy efficient upgrade journey on the right track.


Service Cost (free-of-charge if eligible*)


Weatherization Service Value


Average Annual Energy Savings


Average 1st Year Savings

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