Air Conditioner Maintenance

Maximize comfort, minimize hiccups: AC maintenance by Home Comfort Practice.


The key components include cleaning and checking coils for frost buildup, replacing air filters to combat increased allergens, inspecting and cleaning condensate drains to prevent mold, checking refrigerant levels, ensuring all electrical components are functioning optimally and ensuring key mechanical parts are adequately lubricated. Thermostat calibration is also important to handle Connecticut's varied temperatures.

Regular maintenance is essential in Connecticut due to its fluctuating climate, with very humid summers and even colder winters. Humid summers can lead to issues like mold growth in ducts or frozen evaporator coils. Cold winters can strain the system if it's also used for heating (e.g. a heat pump). Bi-annual maintenance checks, ensures the system is optimized for both summer and winter conditions. Tailored maintenance services ensure peak performance extended lifespans.

Clogged air filters restrict airflow and can introduce allergens into the home, a concern in Connecticut's pollen-rich environment. This can lead to reduced cooling efficiency and compromised indoor air quality. Frequent filter changes, especially during high pollen seasons, ensures optimal airflow and a healthier indoor environment.

Thermostats regulate the operation of air conditioning systems based on desired temperature settings. If miscalibrated, they can cause the system to overcool or undercool spaces. Given Connecticut's fluctuating temperatures, accurate thermostat calibration helps guarantee consistent indoor comfort.

Electrical components, like capacitors, relays, and wiring, are integral to the safe and efficient operation of air conditioning systems. Faulty components can lead to system malfunctions or even pose fire risks. Thorough electrical inspections during maintenance visits ensures all components are in top condition, safeguarding both system performance and homeowner safety.

Ductwork is the conduit for cooled air to reach different parts of the home. Leaky or poorly sealed ducts can lead to loss of cooled air, making the system work harder and increasing energy bills. Ductwork inspection and sealing is essential for efficient airflow, consistent cooling, and energy savings for Connecticut residents.

Refrigerant is the medium that facilitates heat exchange in air conditioning systems. Incorrect levels can hamper the system's cooling efficiency. Given Connecticut's warm summers, maintaining optimal refrigerant levels is crucial. Home Comfort Practice ensures regular refrigerant checks and top-ups as needed, guaranteeing efficient cooling throughout the season.

Moving parts, like motors and fans, experience friction during operation. Lubrication reduces this friction, minimizing wear and ensuring the system operates quietly. For Connecticut homeowners, this means longer equipment life and a quieter indoor environment. At Home Comfort Practice, we prioritize regular lubrication in our maintenance routines, ensuring smooth and efficient system operation.

Dehumidification is a crucial function of air conditioning systems, especially during Connecticut's humid months. Regular maintenance, such as cleaning the evaporator coil and ensuring proper refrigerant levels, ensures efficient moisture removal from indoor air. Regular checks ensure your system effectively combats humidity, providing a comfortable indoor environment.

Technichal Details

 MERV, which stands for Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value, is a standardized scale developed to rate the effectiveness of air filters in trapping airborne particles. The scale ranges from 1 to 20. A higher MERV rating indicates that the filter can capture smaller, micron-sized particles. For instance, a filter with a MERV rating of 6 might capture larger particles like dust and pollen, while a MERV 13 filter can trap finer particles such as tobacco smoke and bacteria. However, while higher MERV ratings provide better filtration, they also present increased resistance to airflow. This resistance can strain an HVAC system if it's not designed to handle such filters. Therefore, it's crucial to balance air quality needs with the system's capability. Using an appropriately rated filter ensures optimal air quality without compromising the efficiency and longevity of your air conditioning system.


Air filters trap dust, pollen, and other airborne particles. Over time, they can become clogged, restricting airflow and reducing system efficiency. Moreover, a dirty filter can release trapped particles back into the air, degrading indoor air quality. On average, changing air conditioner filters every 3 months ensures your home stays cool and the air stays clean. Factors like the presence of pets in the household, respiratory health of residents, allergies, pollen and outdoor air quality may require more frequent changes.


Superheat and subcooling are like the "vital signs" of your AC system. Superheat tells us how much heat is absorbed after the refrigerant has turned into gas, ensuring the compressor stays safe. Subcooling shows how much the refrigerant has cooled after it's condensed. Both are essential for making sure your AC is working just right, especially during Connecticut's humid summers.

Variable speed compressors adjust their speed based on the cooling demand. Instead of operating at a constant speed, they can ramp up or down, providing precise cooling and improving energy efficiency. Regular maintenance ensures these compressors function optimally, detecting issues like wear and tear or lubrication needs, ensuring consistent performance and energy savings.

Condensate pans and drains collect and channel away the moisture condensed by the air conditioning system. These parts handle the moisture your AC pulls from the air. If they're clogged or not maintained, water can accumulate, becoming a breeding ground for mold and bacteria. This not only poses health risks but can also lead to water damage. Regular cleaning and maintenance prevent these issues, ensuring a healthy indoor environment.

Think of start capacitors as the little push your AC needs to get going, and relays as the switch that tells it what to do next. Start capacitors provide the initial jolt of energy required to start the compressor, while relays switch the system between different modes. If either component fails, the compressor might not start, or the system might not switch modes efficiently. If they're not in tip-top shape, your AC might struggle to start or run efficiently. Regular inspection ensures these components are in good condition, preventing potential startup issues and ensuring consistent operation.

The refrigerant lines are like the veins of your AC, transporting the refrigerant between the indoor and outdoor units. Proper insulation ensures minimal energy loss and efficient operation, while regular inspection can detect leaks or wear and tear before they become bigger problems. Maintaining these lines ensures the refrigerant flows efficiently, and the system operates at its peak performance.

The outdoor condenser unit releases the heat absorbed from indoors. If its coils are dirty or airflow is obstructed, it can't release heat efficiently, leading to reduced cooling capacity and increased energy consumption from your AC working harder. Regular maintenance ensures the unit operates efficiently, directly influencing the system's overall performance.

Costs & Incentives

The small cost of routine maintenance is outweighed by the cumulative savings from efficiency, fewer repairs, and extended system life.

  1. Energy Efficiency: Clean components like evaporator and condenser coils allow the system to run with less energy, reducing bills.
  2. Extended Lifespan: Serviced systems last longer, delaying the cost of replacement.
  3. Fewer Repairs: Early detection during routine checks prevents expensive breakdowns.
  4. Warranty Preservation: Keeping up with maintenance can ensure repairs are covered by manufacturers.
  5. Optimal Performance: A well-maintained system delivers maximum cooling for your dollar.

While Connecticut doesn't offer direct rebates for AC maintenance, it's worth considering a maintenance plan when installing or replacing your air conditioner. Opting for a maintenance plan at this time can be cost-advantageous. Often, the cost of a service plan might be included or available at a discounted rate. Your HVAC specialist can provide all the details and guide you on the best path forward. Let's make sure you're set up for success and savings in the long run!

Qualify for AC Replacemnt Rebates by Getting a Home Energy Audit AC Rebates

Upgrading Your AC? Explore rebate opportunities! With a detailed Home Energy Solutions (HES) analysis by Home Comfort Practice, understand your home's energy landscape over a 4-6 hour session. Maximize the benefits of the Inflation Reduction Act and Energize CT programs with this whole-home evaluation. Spot the best replacement options, ensuring homeowners elevate their energy savings and fully leverage rebate opportunities. HES provides an average of nearly $1,800 of value & savings on day one! Begin your energy-efficient journey with Home Comfort Practice today.


Service Cost (free-of-charge if eligible*)


Weatherization Service Value


Average Annual Energy Savings


Average 1st Year Savings

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